Traffic Impact Analysis Regulations
Purpose: Evaluating the Effects of Land Use on State Highways
Roads are a critical public resource and constitute a major investment of the public’s money. Traffic impacts caused by new development – a reduction in the traffic carrying capacity of the highways, more crashes and traffic congestion – can be very costly for state and local governments, as well as the broader community.
Chapter 527 of the 2006 Acts of Assembly added § 15.2-2222.1 to state law and directed VDOT to promulgate regulations to carry out the provisions of the statute. It now requires localities to submit comprehensive plans, plan amendments, and traffic impact analyses on certain rezoning proposals that will substantially affect transportation on state highways to VDOT for review and comment.
The Traffic Impact Analysis Regulations identifies the documents that must be submitted to VDOT to facilitate the required review. VDOT then provides advisory comments to the locality about the impacts on the transportation system and recommended improvements to lessen or negate the impacts.
The intent is to provide additional information to assist policymakers and the public in planning, land use, and transportation decisions that promote an enhanced quality of life for all Virginians.
- Traffic Impact Analysis Regulations 24 VAC 30-155
(99 KB)
- Traffic Impact Analysis Regulations Administrative Guidelines
(2 MB) This document provides details on the regulations including standardized methodologies (definitions, analytical methods, etc.) and procedures for analyzing transportation impacts..
Alternative Trip Generation Methodology for Mixed Use Developments
The Mixed Use Trip Generation Model V 4.0 methodology is available as an alternative for conducting trip generation studies associated with traffic impact statements for small area plans and for mixed use development located in urban areas.
- The Mixed Use Trip Generation Model Spreadsheet
- Additional Instructions on Use of the Spreadsheet
- Background on the Development of the Model
Local/State Plan and Program Consistency (Chapter 729)
The 2012 General Assembly made changes to §15.2-2223 of the Code of Virginian requiring, among other things, that localities send to VDOT and VDOT review adopted locality transportation plans. For more information on this requirement and related items, visit the Chapter 729 web page.
Note: All forms are less than 200 KB in size and are Microsoft Word documents unless otherwise noted.
- Pre-scope form (to be submitted by applicant prior to scoping meeting)
- Comprehensive plan submission checklist
- Rezoning submission checklist
- Rezoning small area submission checklist
- Traffic Impact Analysis checklist
- Traffic Impact Analysis low-volume road checklist
- Chapter 527 submission cover sheet (MS Word form)
- Chapter 527 submission cover sheet (paper form)
Web Site Data Base System for Traffic Impact Analysis Submissions to VDOT
VDOT’s LandTrack system offers transportation related information on development proposals submitted to VDOT for review and comment.
The public can examine traffic impact analysis studies and read VDOT’s comments on the impact a development will have on state highways in the community.